Mighty Mounts 1

This asset pack is available for patreons of ChibbinGrove with the Chibbin Duke pledge level for free in the Battle Map Editor.
Connect your patreon account in your profile and they are available in the prop library.

Maps with patreon assets are not allowed to be registered for commercial use.

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Mighty Mounts 1
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A collection of mounts.

Chibbin Grove presents Mighty Mounts!

Embark on mythical journeys with the Mighty Mounts asset pack. Featuring 120 majestic assets, this collection offers a diverse array of mounts for every adventure. From graceful unicorns and soaring Pegasi to formidable sea stallions, fiery Hellmares, and more, you'll discover a variety of fantastical creatures to transport your characters across land, sea, and sky.

You can find more of our work over at

preview of the asset pack