Monthly Asset Pack


It is prop pack time again!

Whether you've been a long-time DM or if you just want a nicely hand-drawn map for your campaign: Our latest asset pack Classic Dungeon will give you the nostalgia of graph paper!

A simple and clean design was the goal of the new asset pack. Something that could shake up our usually very colourful maps while still offering you many, many options to adjust, adapt and alter the design. With 30 Props, 21 Textures and several paths and door options, our latest asset pack is filled to the brim. But that's not all! We've also added a whole new wall mode option that you can use. In case the new art style wasn't breaking the fourth wall enough for you, you can now choose a nice, flat wall design called Classic B&W in addition to the other options that are in our BattleMap Editor currently!


So, put away your own pen and graph paper, pick up your mouse and build gorgeous maps in hand-drawn style within minutes! Combine them with other asset packs to create stunning effects that make every colour you add stand out like never before. Or go the other way around and put a touch of nostalgia within your otherwise modern and brightly-coloured maps!

You can find the Classic Dungeon Asset Pack as always in Settings > Classic Dungeon!

Please share classic maps with us when you use the new assets and props and as always: Happy Mapmaking!



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Create up to 3 maps with Fantasy assets and textures or search the vast public library for the optimal map for your adventure. Begin your adventure now!