Small Barrow
A small, isolated Barrow. Near Fornost lit by lanterns of blue soulfire. Stone door leading to room in the back with stone coffins and loot reads "Wayward magicks numbered three, guard a lock without a key"

Left path through small channel filled with oil leads to a room with a basin and small magically burning torch in it. Basin has a water drop symbol at the bottom.

Right path through small channel filled with light sand that rapidly turns into quicksand when touched with even a small amount of water, leads to a room with a basin and jugs of water in the back of the room. Basin has a fire symbol at the bottom.

PCs have to bring the fire/water to the opposite room and fill the respective basin without dropping the fire in the oil or the water into the quicksand- add panic by having the small rooms with the basins start to slowly shut as soon as the fire/water jugs are picked up so they have to rush to get out of the room, potentially dropping the element into the channel and causing big o shit problems. Basin in the starting middle room has no symbol, but clear signs of oxidized blood.

Once all three basins have their respective elements (fire, water, and some blood) in them, the door opens and leads to a booby trapped hallway. Getting passed it leads to crypt room with various stone coffins and statue, and Barrow-Wights emerge from the coffins to attack. Statue in the middle of the room has its two jeweled eyes messily cut out and tossed to the floor, replacing jewels in its eyes will pull the wights back to their coffins and allow them to sleep once more.
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