80's Neverwinter - Blacklake Bad Neighborhood
It's 3486 DR in Faerun, 2000 years after adventures like "Lost Mine of Phandelver" or "Hoard of the Dragon Queen" have taken place. Welcome to Neverwinter, the Jewel of the North, now modernized and adjacent to the real-world 1980's era. Life in Faerun has long since become sedentary, but that doesnt mean that intrigue doesnt still lurk around every corner...

The Blacklake District was once home to the wealthy and affluent, but after a few economic and social upheavals, Blacklake is now a low-income part of Neverwinter. Included are some rather shoddy, small houses, roads and sidewalks that havent been properly maintained, and it's currently nighttime.
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