The Morningstar Inn
The most popular and expensive inn in Tu'narath is The Morningstar. A rhyme-addled tiefling bard named Rhapsody Nethervane runs the establishement and employs two henchmen: a half-celestial dwarf named Dwern and a half-fiend dwarf named Maggoth who constantly try to steer Rhapsody down paths of light and darkness. Rhapsody first encountered the dwarves on separate planar adventures. When all of her adventuring companions perished, she made the dwarves offers they could not refuse and now keeps them around largely for her amusement - but they also make great bouncers.

The Morningstar is an impressive two-story stone edifice with iron-barred windows, broad gables, frightful gargoyles, and flying buttresses. The establishment sports no sign, but a loud ruckus emanates from the common room (area A) at all hours of the endless, astral day.

A one-way portal on the Material Plane leads to one of the bedrooms on the upper floor of the inn (area L). This portal existed long before Rhapsody took over the establishment, and she hasn't seen fit to remove it. In fact, she feels the portal adds to the building's character, despite the fact that not everything that comes through the portal brings sunshine and good tidings.

*The design of The Morning Star is a recreation from Dungeon Magazine Issue #100's Web Supplement. Some things have been altered to better fit a lower-level 5th edition adventure or because of the limitations of Dungeonfog's assets.*
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